Monday, 12 December 2016
My third update
My First update.
The bush
Every picture tells a story.
Use your imagination and experience to narrate (tell) a story about the photo.
Where are the people going? Why?
What problem is caused? How is it solved?
Think about:
- where your story is set
- who your characters are – what they do, what they say, and how they think and feel
- the problem and how it is solved
- the order of your ideas and how they are linked.
Remember to:
- choose your words carefully
- take care with your spelling, punctuation, and sentences
- edit – add or delete words or sentences to improve your work.
Start writing here:
As we were wondering into the bushes where there were shimmering mest we heard a crack as my friends and i were going further into the bushes there were strange noises like someone was coming towards us.Then suddenly a terrifying monster jumped out of nowhere and roared like no roar i’ve ever heard before, it had shark like teeth, sharp claws, spikes coming out of the creatures back my friends and I got very scared that we tried to find our way home but we couldn’t that’s when I remembered that we retraced our tracks as we were going further into the bushes.So all we had to do is look for those trace marks, then at once we got home safe and sound.
My Chapter chat montage
This is every thing that I have done through the year. That I will miss when I move on to new classes maybe we wont ever do it again, or we might.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
My super duper camp writing
Camp writing
*Burning of fire in front of my face
-Kids and teachers singing nice songs all night
-Torches swaying side to side as the people sing.
Parent’s dancing
*Wood crackling
*people singing along to more songs
This was the funnest and challenging est day ever.
Tonight was the best night to choose to do the campfire.
The colossal bonfire
I sat in front of the biggest largest colossal bonfire I have ever seen late at night. I felt tepid and sluggish, and I saw fire the hot furious fire burning in front of me it felt light it was right in front of me it felt like one side of the fire had my head in it, and on the other side was from the middle of my stomach and lower. After feeling that I had saw that people were crowded around a group of parents I gathered around the parents too. They started their dance and it looked like they were in their swimming suits, there were also three more parents left out but when I looked properly the parents that were left out were singing lip sink singing. When they were finished all the kids had to get to sleep quick cause it was super late at night and it was happy to go to sleep because it was about to fall to the ground
The end.
By Melbourne
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Frankie Adams Duffy assembly.
Today at ten o clock, Frankie Adams came to my school. She is one of the staff room members daughter at my school.
She told us a lot about her job and she is also our Duffy reading role models. She also told us much more about her new television show, The Expanse. She is playing a soldier from space, it was really good seeing her today.
She told us a lot about her job and she is also our Duffy reading role models. She also told us much more about her new television show, The Expanse. She is playing a soldier from space, it was really good seeing her today.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Our new chapter chat book for all of term 4.
This Term we have a new book to read and it is called, The Person Controller. By David Baddiel. I think it is going to be a funny but at the same time very cool.
And also as a good reader you gotta predict, what is going to happen next
And also as a good reader you gotta predict, what is going to happen next
Our new chapter chat book for all of term 4.
This Term we have a new book to read and it is called, The Person Controller. By David Baddiel. I think it is going to be a funny but at the same time very cool.
And also as a good reader you gotta predict, what is going to happen next
And also as a good reader you gotta predict, what is going to happen next
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
making skipping ropes out of plastic bags

In class we have been learning how to make skipping ropes out of plastic bags, it was very hard to, because you don't just cut them into long strips, but you also have to braid them and it has to be up to your shoulders and then all the way to the ground and it has to be long enough so you can jump with it.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Tales of the fourth grader
This week my class room and I have been reading a new book made back in 1970 something. The title is called tales of the fourth grader. You might even notice that I done a commercial about juicy-o in the story.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Juicy-o commercial
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Garden design contest
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
In the class we have been learning about bio poems and also doing them too. here is my Bio poem
Melbourne bio poem
Melbourne Ariki
Crazy Cook Islander
Fantastic son
Trusted Uncle
Funny cousin
Serious singer
Respects Friends
Horrible Dancer
Music Mad
Travel freak
Cherishes animals
Admirers Sonny Bill Williams
Wicked Grandchild
Loves Michael Jackson - Whitney Houston -Ardijah - Tina Turner & Alicia keys
Terrible Gamer
Pro Sleeper
Wild twin
Fantastic Basketballer
great volleyballer
Excellent netball player
Sneaky Nephew
Forever loved child .
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Here is a speech that I was working on for the past three weeks I hop you like it
Speech Writing By Melbourne.
Title,Why Music should be taught all around the world for free.
Intro: Raise your hand if you like music. See, we all love music! All of us have one thing in common and that thing is music.
I strongly believe that music should be taught to every child for free.
Argument 1.
Music should be taught for free all around the world to children who don’t know how to play music but would love too. At this moment music is getting very expensive in the week and years, your children would want to play music but they can’t because it is super expensive and sometimes it would cost ninety dollars per child, per lesson or who knows it might be more than ninety might even be one Hundred dollars and that’s one of the reasons why music should be taught for free.
Argument 2
Music will also boost children’s brain power
Sometimes when kids listen to music it helps them do better in school and class. Music will simply stimulate parts of the brain, that are related to math, reading, and emotional development . And that is one of the other reasons why music should be taught for free because it helps other children like me.
Argument 3.
I did a survey in room 22 and twenty seven kids said yes too the fact that music helps them learn and only one kid said no! By looking at the survey the results are pretty clear - music really does help you learn better in school and class.
When I was little i had got taught lots of things through music, I got taught numbers, colors, shapes, and many more things. So doesn’t that prove that music does help people children in learning?
Now will you help me win the fight and join with me to make music free for all students across the world!
Monday, 15 August 2016
Things I really like to do
These are the things I love to do things I love to
The things I like to do/Play volleyball, play with my friends & family, and I really love to play music/singing
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Olympic animal trailer
I can see people cheering on for me and other players against me.
I will do this for all new Zealanders and cook-islanders
I hear the crowd of people going wild!
I feel excited and happy that I am playing for my own country
Olympic dream Click on the link and it will show you the best version of the Rio Olympics .
My friend came up with the word his name is JACK
Created with Padlet
My friend came up with the word his name is JACK
Created with Padlet
You can also click on this link that say's created with padlet
Monday, 8 August 2016
Saturday, 6 August 2016
Friday, 5 August 2016
Chapter chat: The cat who sung By Melbourne
Here is the song I made for chapter chat. Every Friday we go on twitter and talk to other schools around NZ about the book and share the work that do. Here is the link to the twitter page
Here is a link to the chapter chat twitter page.
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
About me
Hi my name is Melbourne and I can tell you lot's of things about me. I love playing with my twin brother/friend. We always talk and play together and I also love to spend time with my family & friends.
RIO 2016
In school I was doing a quiz for Rio Olympics, one of them were, what was the name of the official Olympic mascots? and the real name's are Tom, and Vinicius. Vinicius is the yellow mascot and Tom is the plant mascot.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
In school we have been learning about being healthy and fit. Also Owairaka primary is doing cross country training and we run around half of the school field then up to the junior's to the gate entrance, go out the gate, down the road, then back into school. And do the same thing for ten or twelve minutes.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
My 24hr footprint
Thursday, 23 June 2016
super powers
I woke up with the same life I had before then one day I had got struck by lightning.The next day I woke up and I was a monkey I screamed my head of,every time I panicked I would shape shift into animal and people.Then that's when I got it the power to shape shift. Then one day I was watching the news ad they said that a super villain destroying the whole .Than that was my time to show that I had super powers so I shape shifted into a deer and told all the animals that I could find to help me stop that super villain then the next day when I went to school everyone congratulated me with hugs and smiles my journey was finally over and I'm an ordinary person living my life
By Melbourne Ariki
By Melbourne Ariki
Monday, 13 June 2016
In class we have been learning about Matariki. Matariki is a Maori holiday and is also a cluster of seven sisters an known as the seven stars of matariki. Their names are Waiti, Waita, Waipunrangi, Tupuanuku, Tuparangi, Ururangi e.
Below is my Thinglink...
history of life
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Welcome to Melbourne's blog!
I am from a Year 5/6 class at Owairaka District School. This blog will highlight the awesome learning experiences I have this year and allow me to share some of my work.
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